Roanoke Valley Bird Club

RVBC Field Trips


If inclement weather necessitates a cancellation, an email notification will be sent out. You can also call or text the leader David Frye at 248-459-6783. Please do not call any of the trip leaders after 8 pm the night before the field trip in consideration of having to get up early the next day to lead the field trip.

Hawk Watching continues - Located at Harvey's Knob Overlook, milepost 95.3 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. From September through November, our club and the Lynchburg club report data on the hawk migration at Harvey's Knob Overlook on the Blue
Ridge Parkway. All are welcome to join our resident hawk watchers to see how it is done. Bring a lawn chair, binoculars, and a spirit of adventure
for learning about the annual hawk migration. You are welcome to show up any day, arrive and leave when you like, and even though you may not
be ready to ID each hawk as it passes, extra eyes are ALWAYS needed.

January 2025

Jan. 1 New Year’s Day Bird Count. Everyone is encouraged to start the New Year off right and GO BIRDING!

Jan. 8 Second Wednesday Bird Hike – Greenfield 9:00 am. Leader: David Frye (248-459-6783) Join us for a bird walk on the Cherry Blossom Trail.
We host this trip every other month on Wednesdays and can see the populations of birds changing with the passing of the seasons.

Jan. 11 Catawba Greenway and Whi spering Pines 9:00 am. Leaders: Kirk Gardner (828-216-9170) and Kent Davis (828-216-9170).
Join Kirk and Kent at The Catawba Greenway Trailhead which is located at 5061 Catawba Creek Road.

Jan. 25 Wild Card Trip–TBA Leader: Barry Whitt (540-309-4353). Barry has plans that are totally dependent upon climactic conditions; however, stay
tuned! If he sees favorable weather, he’ll send out an announcement.

Jan 31- Feb. 2, VSO Trip to North Carolina’s Outer Banks -
Virginia Ornithological Society members can sign up on their website for this popular trip to the coast of North Carolina.

February (A Quick Look Ahead)
Feb. 8 Raptor Count – It’s time for the annual raptor count, so save the date! The form and more details will be in the February Newsletter.

Feb. 10 RVBC Membership Meeting, Monday 7:00 pm. Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 3640 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24018.

Featured Program: Vultures: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird. Presenter: Katie Fallon. Katie Fallon will surprise and delight us with her
program focusing on “The Clean-Up Crew” of the natural world. Vultures’ fascinating lives will be in focus and applauded for the good that they do
all around us.

Feb. 12 Second Wednesday Bird Hike – Walrond Park 9:00am. Leader: David Frye (248-459-6783). Another in our series of local Wednesday morning
bird walks, we’ll walk the perimeter of Walrond Park looking for winter resident birds.

Feb. 15 RVBC Owl Walk – Fern Park, South Roanoke 6:00 pm. Leader: David Frye (248-459-6783). Dave Frye will do his best to conjure up an
Eastern Screech Owl, or a Barred Owl, or a Great Horned Owl. The Leader makes no guarantees, however (and no refunds for this trip).

Feb. 22 Saturday Bird Hike - Greenfield 9:00 am. Leader: Barry Whitt (540-309-4353). Join us for a Saturday morning bird walk on the Cherry Blossom
Trail at Greenfield. This Saturday trip enables folks that are unable to join us at this site when we routinely visit on Wednesdays. !

©Roanoke Valley Bird Club